Tuesday, February 23, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!

It is soooooo hard to believe that we are already at the halfway mark on our Baby Mazell pregnancy journey!! I am 20.5 weeks and counting!! Still aiming for a due date mid-July.

What a GREAT weekend!!! Mom and Dad came into town on Saturday to help get some things done around the house- THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!! Then my sweet sweet husband totally surprised me with a surprise 30th Birthday party!!! So So much fun- Great Bar-B-Que that Rusty's Dad made and oysters and cake for all to enjoy!! Rusty and I went to the Doctor on Monday and found out that we are having a BOY!!! The tech zoomed in on a picture and said- "Would either of you like to take a guess at the sex of your baby??" And Rusty said, " That's my BOY!!!!!!" So adorable and a moment I will always cherish!! Here are some pictures of our recent visit!


Momma-to-be Mazell


  1. He is precious! I love that little silhouette! Aw Lindsay... I am so happy for you! You have no idea of the love that is about to enter your life! I want to cry now!

  2. Hi Sweetie-- this is so magical!! I can not wait to get my hands on this little boy. Yes, I will be making jon-jons for him if Rusty will let me!! MOM
