Monday, May 24, 2010

Room is ready... waiting on baby!

I have looked back over all blog posts that I have made and it is truely amazing how the time has flown by and I am now on the home stretch....... less than 7 weeks till full term!! Although I have been preparing for Jackson since last October, it is just so hard to believe that I will get to meet him in about 7 short weeks. WoW!!

Big news from over the weekend- RUSTY FELT JACKSON KICK!! Rusty has been very patient and has tried a number of times waiting with his hand on my belly- and nothing! Well all of his patience paid off - Jackson was busy in my belly and kicked Rusty about 5 times this weekend. Where I have felt Jackson tumbling around for months now, I can image how cool it was for Daddy Rusty to finally feel his son's movement for the very first time. Very cool moment! :-)

All my love,

Soon to be Momma Mazell

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pictures of Jackson's Room

I am so thrilled with the way the crib vinyl lettering turned out- I just had to share!!! So so cute!!