Let's see... I know I keep saying it, but seriously - Jackson is growning up WAY too fast!! Jackson really trying to say words and babbling alllllll the time. He points to things and babbles his own word for that item. He is still in the first step above the nursery room, but they are starting to talk about him moving up to the next room in the next few months. Just this week he started taking his naps at daycare on a mat instead of in the crib. He has also amazed the daycare staff as to how quickly he can remove his pants AND his diaper while their head it turned.....not good. Rusty and are really enjoying Jackson and each day is a new adventure as to what he just might do next. Great example: tonight Rusty asked Jackson ( just joking around) " Jackson do you need to go potty? " Jackson ran towards the bathroom so I ( following along) took off his diaper and placed him on the potty........he pee-pee on the potty!! Okay, so we are very aware that this is not the norm and he is SO not ready for potty training at 15 months, BUT super excited that he is interested to say the least.
This past Sunday we took Jackson to a local family farm to pick out a pumkin, show him some of the farm animals, and took a hay ride to feed the cows!! He loved it!!!