Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jackson's 2 month photo shoot

We took Jackson for his 2 month pictures on Sunday and BOY OH BOY could I send my entire bank account on this kid!!!

Just to catch you up on Jackson.... He is staying pretty alert and busy during the day and after a 6pm feeding, he goes to sleep around 7:30pm. He has been sleeping from 7:30pm until 2:30am!! Let's hope this keeps up- this is great for me and my sleep!! Ater the 2:30am feeding he goes right back to bed and doesn't wake back up until it is time to get up for the day at 6am. He is so funny to watch! He is starting to see further and further and it makes my heart melt when smiles at me!! Love it! Rusty's mom, Chena is keeping him durning the day, but on October 1st, he will start daycare. Rusty and I are doing great- just still working on a routine and trying to figure out this whole parenting thing...... LIFE IS GOOD!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Splish Splash Jackson is taking a Bath

Jackson is now 8 weeks old and is so busy!! He has his 2 month check-up appointment this Thursday- with shots- Boo! But I can't wait to see what they say about his weight and growth. I wanted to share some pictures of Jackson during bath time....he LOVES taking a bath!! Special thanks to Grandma Chena for his new stylish bathrobe!! Tooo Cute!


Momma Mazell